Colonic services in Montclair NJ
Our office is located at 559 Bloomfield Ave in Montclair NJ 07042 (between Park St and Maple Plaza) in Essex county.
Metered Parking is located on Maple Plaza which accepts coins and credit card payments, Sundays is free, otherwise parking will cost around $2.
Free parking is available around the holidays noted by a bag that is placed by the township over the meter. Please DO NOT park in the permit designated spots without a permit. If needed a permit can be rented for the duration of the colonic for $5 (inquire if available). The $5 fee will be refunded on return of the permit.
More Than Colon Hydrotherapy
We are dedicated to helping our clients feel better and achieve a healthier lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle goes beyond colonics. Our most successful clients not only indulge in regular colonics, they also encouraged to eat well and supplement their diet with herbs as appropriate.
We take it personally and are committed to making you feel your best and will work tirelessly analyzing your unique situation in order to achieve success.
Colonics are very important but are only part of the equation. A balanced diet with supplements are also key to keeping our bodies in optimal form. Our staff includes certified/trained colon hydrotherapists and holistic nutritionists who can guide you on the right path, provide motivation and help you achieve your goals.
At Flush, living healthy is a lifestyle.