What is Colon Hydrotherapy?
A gentle procedure where purified filtered water is delivered comfortably into the large intestine, increasing hydration while nourishing the cells. This procedure is an effective way to safely remove unwanted waste from the bowel.
A trained certified colon hydro-therapist will slowly insert the speculum into the rectum, attaching two separate hoses to the instrument which allows water to slowly enter the colon. During the session waste is softened and loosened, your colon muscles are stimulated, creating activity for evacuation by assisting the stimulation of peristalsis motility which can allow for mass movements.
At Flush we use the Woods gravity method also known as the closed colonic system.
The Woods gravity method is the original method for colon cleansing. It is very gentle as gravity is solely used to get water into the colon. No machines are used and a therapist will conduct the procedure. During the colonic the therapist will obtain feedback from the client to ensure that the colonic is very successful and to ensure that the client is comfortable throughout the procedure.
Colonics Preparation:
We recommend you prepare for your treatment by keeping the colon well hydrated by drinking plenty of water at least 2 days prior to your colonic. Adding apple cider vinegar and/or lemon juice can also be beneficial. Hydration helps lubricate your intestine and softens fecal matter for a more effective bowl response to the treatment.
If you are constipated, adding more plant based foods to your diet can be very beneficial. Raw fruits, vegetables, fiber in any form (smoothies, juices, whole) improves colon function and increases intestinal motility.
When cleansing try to eliminate dairy, meat, bread, pasta, rice, alcohol, sugary and processed foods as these can slow down the digestive system and cause inflammation.
Healthy digestion begins with what, when and how your eat.
NO eating or drinking anything one hour before your session.